Information & Communication Technology

Information and Communication Technology(ICT) is an emerging branch of diploma which is newly introduced in year 2022 by Government of Gujrat in order to keep pace with the latest development in industries through application areas like cloud computing, data science, embedded systems, IOT, cyber securities, open source software design and development tools etc. This program is in line with New Education Policy 2020 (NEP2020). Information and Communication Technology is used in telecommunication, broadcast media, intelligent information creation and management system, audio visual processing, transmission systems, network controlling and monitoring etc. Student learns in depth during three years diploma study about these software and hardware application areas through various fundamental and application level courses using outcome based education approach. This enables the students to become competent for the present and future challenges of information and communication.

Name of Course Type Period(Years) Intake Year of Starting
Information & Communication Technology DIPLOMA 3 60 2022


To nurture skills with excellence in multidisciplinary, competent and emerging technology through powering creativity amongst girls to cater ethically sound technician as per need of industry and society in the revolutionary are of ICT.  



